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About Us

The Fattoria Di Vaira is the largest farm in Molise, in an agricultural area where natural resources and human presence have coexisted for centuries in an extraordinary balance. On the Adriatic Sea, between the cities of Termoli and Vasto, between the green hills and the blue sea in the background, there are the ideal conditions for realizing one of the basic principles of biodynamic agriculture: the vision of the company as an agricultural organism .


The farm covers an area of 500 hectares and is a complete "agricultural organism", with the presence of vineyards, olive groves, vegetables, cereals and fodder for breeding cows milk, brown alpine breed, surrounded by hedges, wooded patches and eight artificial lakes that enrich the agro-ecosystem. Composted organic matter is used for fertilising, crop rotations are practiced, the biodynamic method is applied and cheeses are produced, as well as wine, oil, honey and tomato and cherry tomato puree. Today we have nearly 100 members, with the aim of:

  • create a biodynamic corporate organism;
  • create a project of aggregation and transparency of the supply chain;
  • produce biodynamic quality products;
  • experiment with improving techniques in biodynamic agriculture and extend these experiences to the agricultural world;
  • promote the training of young people in biodynamic agriculture;
  • host people interested in rural tourism

The Story

Already in the last century, the Fattoria Di Vaira was one of the most admired examples of a farm in the South. Not only for the dimensions and the ideal position a few kilometers from the sea, in the municipality of Petacciato (Campobasso), but above all for the forward-looking management of its founder, the Cavalier Francesco Di Vaira who knew how to use cutting-edge techniques from the beginning. After his death it was his wife who decided the fate of the estate: in 1952 she created a foundation chaired by statute by the Bishop of Termoli-Larino, entrusting her with both the management and the mission of training and educating young people in the agricultural profession. The Di Vaira Foundation pursued these intentions until 2006, when the board decided to entrust the company to an external structure that respected its original purposes.

The new management

It was in this phase that the Ecor NaturaSì group and the Valter Desiderio farm from Molise became interested in Fattoria Di Vaira. It was they who joined forces and in 2007 set up, together with Banca Popolare Etica, some specialized organic shops and many passionate members to whom others were added over time, the Opera Società Agricola Biodinamica Di Vaira. All united by the desire to take over the entire company and create a closed-loop organization according to the principles of biodynamic agriculture. An important challenge faced with enthusiasm, favored by the optimal conditions that characterized the company which still maintained a traditional approach and not disfigured by the monoculture approach and the exasperated use of chemistry which in the meantime had characterized many companies of similar size: the presence of a stable of dairy cows and 500 hectares of vineyards, an olive grove and mixed crops, used both for the production of cereals and for that of forage and vegetables make it the ideal environment for the realization of the corporate organism that envisages biodynamics .

Marco Cappella

Farmer and oil mill

He has fifteen years of experience, he knows well what it means to work every day among the olive trees of Di Vaira. He takes care of the oil mill and its plants.

Giuseppe Clissa


Giuseppe Clissa, the cheesemaker of the farm. He is the soul of the small dairy where caciotta, ricotta, scamorze, caciocavallo, mozzarella and much more are born.

Debora Sfredda

Food technician

With the strategy, from Farm to Table, our food technologist Debora plans and controls all the company's production and transformation processes.

Elissa Giuditta


Responsible for all tourist-receptive activities and responsible for our Naturasì Fattoria Di Vaira sales point in Termoli. Its strong point is its welcome and hospitality.

Fabio Cordella


The boss of the farm is a man of firm principles, determined and passionate about everything related to the farm and beyond. He pays close attention to the well-being of the entire corporate body, he is a person who cares not only for the company as such, but also for the people who make it up.


Chief Worker

Our foreman always with a smile on his face organizes the work of our willing workers and work teams on a daily basis. He manages to juggle the various daily activities that engage him in the fields of our company.

Azienda agricola


Bio Agriturismo

Organic Farm

Punto Vendita
